Have you ever felt overwhelmed by someone’s posts or stories on Instagram? Maybe you don’t want to unfollow or block them, but their content is cluttering your feed. The mute feature allows users to curate their Instagram experience without damaging relationships. This simple feature helps you hide unwanted posts or stories without the other person ever knowing. Whether it’s a friend’s endless vacation photos or someone’s excessive story updates, the mute feature provides a discreet solution. In this guide, you’ll learn how to mute someone on Instagram and manage your feed better.
Muting People: What It Means for Your Feed and Stories
When you mute someone on Instagram, their posts and stories no longer appear in your feed without requiring you to unfollow them. This option to mute helps in maintaining your Instagram feed without completely disconnecting from the person you want to mute. Their content still exists on their profile page, and you can visit it anytime. Muted accounts won’t receive a notification when you mute them, ensuring a subtle way to control your feed and stories without any awkwardness.
Interested in managing your chats as well? Learn how to turn off Vanish Mode in our article.
The Difference Between Muting Posts and Stories
Muting posts allows you to hide specific content from appearing in your Instagram feed while muting stories only affects what you see in the Instagram stories bar. Posts and stories can be muted separately, giving you control over what content you prefer not to see. Unmuting is also straightforward, allowing you to adjust your Instagram experience as needed.
How to Mute Someone on Instagram
- Visit the person’s profile you want to mute.
- Tap the “Following” button next to their profile picture.
- Select “Mute” from the pop-up menu that appears.
- Choose whether to mute posts, stories, or both, using the slider.
- The mute feature allows you to curate your feed without unfollowing or blocking someone.
Mute Posts on Instagram:
- Open the Instagram app and find a post from the user you want to mute.
- Tap the three dots in the top-right corner of the post.
- Select “Mute” from the options menu.
- Choose “Mute posts” to stop their posts from appearing in your feed.
- You can always unmute their posts by visiting their profile.
Mute Stories on Instagram:
- Navigate to the Instagram stories bar and locate the story of the user you want to mute.
- Press and hold their profile picture until a pop-up menu appears.
- Select “Mute” from the pop-up options.
- Choose “Mute story” to prevent their stories from appearing in your stories feed.
- Stories can be unmuted later by visiting their profile.
How to Mute Someone’s Chat on Instagram:
- Open the Instagram app and go to your direct messages (DMs) inbox.
- Find the chat with the person whose messages you want to mute.
- Swipe left on the chat, then tap “Mute.”
- Choose to mute “Messages,” “Call Notifications,” or both.
- Muting their messages allows you to maintain chat activity notifications without them ever knowing.
How to Unmute Someone on Instagram
- Visit the profile of the person you’ve muted.
- Tap the “Following” button located below their profile picture.
- Select “Mute” from the pop-up menu that appears.
- Toggle the slider to unmute their posts or stories.
- The content will start appearing in your feed again.
- You can also unmute their messages by visiting the direct messages section.
- Unmuting someone won’t notify them, keeping your Instagram experience discreet.
Impact on Notification Settings When You Mute Someone:
Muting someone on Instagram won’t affect your notification settings directly. You won’t receive alerts about the muted user’s new posts, stories, or direct messages. Their content won’t appear in your feed without you unfollowing or blocking them. The mute feature allows you to maintain a clean Instagram account by curating the amount of content you see without them knowing.
If you unmute someone, their content and notifications will resume appearing in your Instagram feed and stories as usual. This feature allows users to control their Instagram experience without completely disconnecting from others.
1. How can I hide my Instagram story from specific people?
Go to your profile, tap the menu, select “Settings,” then “Privacy,” and choose “Story.” From there, you can hide your story from specific users.
2. Can someone see if I viewed their Instagram profile?
No, Instagram does not notify users when you view their profile.
3. How do I make my Instagram account private?
Go to “Settings,” tap “Privacy,” and toggle on “Private Account.”
4. What happens when I block someone on Instagram?
Blocking someone removes them from your followers, prevents them from seeing your content, and stops them from contacting you.
5. Can I see who has unfollowed me on Instagram?
Instagram does not provide a direct way to see who has unfollowed you, but third-party apps may offer this feature.